The Data Standard

Real estate industry? with William Denslow at Reggora
William Denslow, Co-Founder & CTO at Reggora, joins The Data Standard to discuss entrepreneurship in the real estate industry.

Episode Summary

In this episode, guest William Denslow sits down with The Data Standard to discuss entrepreneurship in the real estate industry. During Will’s senior year at Boston University, he skipped class to work on a brokerage firm that used algorithms to source deals, selling $5 million in real estate total. Hyped by that success and having identified inefficiencies in the homebuying process, Brian Zitin and Will Denslow founded Reggora to automate real estate appraisal. The 25-person company has raised $5 million for its platform that connects mortgage lenders with thousands of appraisers for faster valuations.  

Meet The Host

Catherine Tao

Data scientist at The Data Standard

Catherine Tao is a tech enthusiast looking for new methods for building connections with businesses around the world. Her extensive knowledge of data science allowed her to develop new solutions and implement them into existing ecosystems. She is currently working as a Data scientist and Exclusive Podcast Producer at The Data Standard.

Meet The Guest

William Denslow

Co-Founder & CTO at Reggora

Co-founder of Reggora, a real estate technology startup located in Boston, Massachusetts.