The Data Standard

Investing in internal projects? with Ruben Kogel at Hippo Insurance
Ruben Kogel, Head of Data & Analytics at Hippo Insurance, joins The Data Standard to discuss how his company has transformed throughout the pandemic.

Episode Summary

Everybody comes into Data Science from a different background. Some studied maths, some took stats classes, some came from finance, etc. Ruben’s story is especially unique in that way – for many years he used to be a Chemical Engineer! What prompted him to make the transition? His MBA. Yes! Ruben found a way to structure his MBA in a way that leads him to an ultra-successful career in Data. And he hasn’t looked back since. We talked about how his company has transformed throughout the pandemic, how to set up and promote self-serve analytics systems, how to keep your workflow under control, and the importance of mentors in Data Science.

Meet The Host

Darren Kaplan

Co-Founder & Board Member of HiQ Labs

Darren Kaplan is 2x Founder and recognized as one of the Top 20 Data Science Influencers in 2020. Darren is the co-creator of The Data Standard, the premier networking user-community for data-science, data engineers, and cybersecurity enthusiasts.

Meet The Guest

Ruben Kogel

Head of Data & Analytics at Hippo Insurance

I build data teams and data practices for high growth tech organizations. Open to advisory.