The Data Standard

Machine learning with enterprise search? with Neelam Mohanty at Nationwide
Neelam Mohanty, Technology Architect at Nationwide, joins The Data Standard to discuss machine learning with enterprise search.

Episode Summary

Neelam Mohanty offers an introduction to the kinds of benefits that come with integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning into your enterprise search solutions.

Meet The Host

Catherine Tao

Data scientist at The Data Standard

Catherine Tao is a tech enthusiast looking for new methods for building connections with businesses around the world. Her extensive knowledge of data science allowed her to develop new solutions and implement them into existing ecosystems. She is currently working as a Data scientist and Exclusive Podcast Producer at The Data Standard.

Meet The Guest

Neelam Mohanty

Technology Architect at Nationwide

My career started out as a technologist in the data engineering domain. My early experience in consulting helped me gain exposure to different industry verticals. Over time, I branched out into digital and cloud based technologies. More recently, I have supported both customer and associate facing solutions and technologies which has helped shape my holistic perspective.