The Data Standard

Credit risk modeling with Natchie Subramaniam Thiagarajah at Moody’s Analytics
Natchie Subramaniam Thiagarajah, Senior Economist/Assc.Director Credit Analytics at Moodys Analytics, joins The Data Standard to discuss credit risk modeling.

Episode Summary

In a suddenly volatile economy, spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, and despite government interventions, bankruptcies and increased defaults will more than likely increase. With new and immature data, produced by this unexpected economic downturn, automated modeling processes will help enhance efficiencies, but data issues will require human judgment for model development. Join Natchie Subramaniam Thiagarajah, Senior Economist/Assc.Director Credit Analytics at Moodys Analytics to take a look at strategic approaches to calculating Credit Risk.

Meet The Host

Catherine Tao

Data scientist at The Data Standard

Catherine Tao is a tech enthusiast looking for new methods for building connections with businesses around the world. Her extensive knowledge of data science allowed her to develop new solutions and implement them into existing ecosystems. She is currently working as a Data scientist and Exclusive Podcast Producer at The Data Standard.

Meet The Guest

Natchie Subramaniam Thiagarajah

Senior Economist/Assc.Director Credit Analytics at Moodys Analytics

I am an economist with a strong background in data science and I strive to bridge the gap between data-driven and data-informed approaches. I have experience in statistical modeling and numerical optimization. I am passionate about experimenting with new modeling techniques and I have had success in redefining marketing and fraud models at Discover.