The Data Standard

Transition to software engineering to leadership? with Jeff Ptak at Sunbelt Rentals
Jeff Ptak, Director of Data Engineering & Analytics at Sunbelt Rentals, joins The Data Standard to discuss transition to software engineering to leadership.

Episode Summary

Are you a Software Engineer looking to make your next career move? Are you considering making that leap into a Leadership position? Or, are you already an experienced leader wanting to transition from a Corporate to a Startup, but unsure if it’s right for you?? Who better to ask than someone who has made these exact career moves with great success? Well, that’s what we did when we were lucky enough to sit down with Jeff Ptak, Director of Data Engineering, at Sunbelt Rentals. With over a decade of hands-on experience, prior to his move into leadership, Jeff brings a real-level of empathy to his team, and thought-leadership to Sunbelt Rentals. We found out exactly what Jeff thinks it takes to be a leader & VP – from the skills, to the mindset – as well as discussing how a change in industry can be a beneficial career move. We also touch on the alternative career paths that engineers can take if they think leadership might not be for them!

Meet The Host

Catherine Tao

Data scientist at The Data Standard

Catherine Tao is a tech enthusiast looking for new methods for building connections with businesses around the world. Her extensive knowledge of data science allowed her to develop new solutions and implement them into existing ecosystems. She is currently working as a Data scientist and Exclusive Podcast Producer at The Data Standard.

Meet The Guest

Jeff Ptak

Director of Data Engineering & Analytics at Sunbelt Rentals

Results-driven, self-motivated professional with extensive experience and passion for analytics, including advanced analytics, machine learning and AI, data warehousing, data architecture, and business intelligence with focus on the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform. Exposure to several other enterprise-class BI platforms including Cognos, Microstrategy and Oracle. Recognized for thorough understanding of the entire Microsoft BI stack and ability to see the big picture. Able to manage multiple projects simultaneously and to move quickly among projects. Capable of leading or collaborating. Exceptional verbal and written communication skills; extremely detail-oriented and well-organized. Able to relate effectively to people at all levels and convey complex technical information in an easily understandable manner. I lead by example with strong work ethic and commitment to quality, accountability and results.