The Data Standard

Data Architecture? with Alejandro Blacut at Millicom
Alejandro Blacut, Senior Manager Integration Architecture at Millicom, joins The Data Standard to discuss data architecture.

Episode Summary

Data, data, data – it’s long been a buzzword in the industry, whether big data, streaming data, data analytics, data science, even AI & machine learning — but data alone is not enough: it takes an entire system of tools and technology to extract value from data. A multibillion-dollar industry has emerged around data tools and technologies. And with so much excitement and innovation in the space: how exactly do all these tools fit together? This podcast – a hallway style conversation between The Data Standard and Alejandro Blacut from Millicom(Tigo) – explores the evolution of data architectures, including some quick history, where they’re going, and a surprising use case for streaming data, as well as Alejandro’s take on how he’d architect the picks and shovels that handle data end-to-end today.  

Meet The Host

Catherine Tao

Data scientist at The Data Standard

Catherine Tao is a tech enthusiast looking for new methods for building connections with businesses around the world. Her extensive knowledge of data science allowed her to develop new solutions and implement them into existing ecosystems. She is currently working as a Data scientist and Exclusive Podcast Producer at The Data Standard.

Meet The Guest

Alejandro Blacut

Senior Manager Integration Architecture at Millicom(Tigo)

I am a Senior Manager of Digital Transformation with many years of experience helping large corporations and high-growth startups bring awesome app/web programs to market. Currently, I work at Tigo managing digital product development. I have a ton of expertise using quantitative and qualitative methods to make product decisions and I love working with smart, dedicated people to identify and solve cool problems. I really enjoy the challenges of this industry, which is probably why I’ve been successful in creating break-through digital experiences. Whether working on apps, UX design, integration, or BSS architecture, it’s my responsibility to lead teams in developing code and building infrastructure while overseeing migrations, releases, support, testing, and deployment. Whether handling solutions engineering, digital transformations, BI Analytics, or full stack development, I quickly identify right-fit tools ideal for customizing requirements and programming solutions. I believe I’ve been successful because I serve as a information resource to both onshore and offshore teams, leveraging a functional knowledge and ability to take a concept and turn it into a finished product.