The Data Standard

Scaling up in a tech company? with Richard Smaldone and Elizabeth Cook
Richard Smaldone, Senior Product Data Analyst and Elizabeth Cook, Product Manager, at The Mom Project, sit down with TDS to discuss scaling up in a tech company.

Episode Summary

The perils of running a startup are often talked about, whether it’s trying to secure funding, marshaling the tech you need, or establishing your go-to-market strategy – but no company can remain a startup forever. Eventually, every startup needs to try and grow beyond its current stage, undertaking the difficult journey to scale its operation without falling apart at the seams. In many ways, the scale-up stage is the ‘tricky second album’ of corporate operations and is fraught with new and distinct pitfalls than those faced by founders in the early days of a company’s lifecycle. This week, we’re joined by Richard Smaldonet and Elizabeth Cook, to discuss how companies can effectively meet the challenges of becoming a scale-up.

Meet The Host

Catherine Tao

Data scientist at The Data Standard

Catherine Tao is a tech enthusiast looking for new methods for building connections with businesses around the world. Her extensive knowledge of data science allowed her to develop new solutions and implement them into existing ecosystems. She is currently working as a Data scientist and Exclusive Podcast Producer at The Data Standard.

Meet The Guest

Richard Smaldone

Senior Product Data Analyst at The Mom Project

I’m an accomplished data and analytics specialist who has been helping companies transform their raw data into actionable insights for over 15 years. I’ve established and managed essential reporting frameworks, worked alongside executive leadership to build cohesive data strategies, and was a key contributor on award-winning Agile development teams.

Elizabeth Cook

Product Manager at The Mom Project

Product manager, focusing on AI products, that thrives on collaborative, evidence based problem solving. Former attorney that is skilled in SQL, Python, research, analysis, and facilitating collaboration. Holds a Master's in Public Policy and Administration with a focus in data analytics from Northwestern University.