The Data Standard

Analytics with empathy with Thomas Modern at Facebook
Thomas Modern, Data Science Team Lead at Facebook, joins The Data Standard to discuss his take on analytics with empathy.

Episode Summary

As organizations become more data-driven they need to understand where the data flows and how it’s being consumed. This exercise requires data empathy—a willingness and a dedication to deeply understand how people use, interpret, and share data. This starts with fostering a community. Community sparks collaboration, which sparks empathy. Data empathy will vary from individual to individual and team to team. Data empathy also requires a willingness to understand how people feel about data processes. In addition to understanding how the organization consumes data, leaders need to understand how the community feels about the data they’re accessing. For example, do the data sources serve their business needs? Do they have the proper context to interpret the data?

Meet The Host

Catherine Tao

Data scientist at The Data Standard

Catherine Tao is a tech enthusiast looking for new methods for building connections with businesses around the world. Her extensive knowledge of data science allowed her to develop new solutions and implement them into existing ecosystems. She is currently working as a Data scientist and Exclusive Podcast Producer at The Data Standard.

Meet The Guest

Thomas Modern

Data Science Team Lead at Facebook

In my 10+ years of professional experience, I have been fortunate to work in a variety of tech companies, from small startups to well-established public companies. Through these experiences, I've developed a unique blend of skills at the intersection of technical and business domains, and have helped organizations navigate the VUCA world in which we live. I am especially passionate about data science and analytics, leveraging my data skills to tackle some of the most challenging global problems of our time. In my current role at Facebook, I help bring more people online to a faster and safer internet, helping to dissolve the barriers of affordability, access, and awareness/readiness. Deeply passionate about learning, I have pursued an MS in Business Intelligence & Analytics, as well as an MBA from the Daniels College of Business. Over the years, I've also placed a strong emphasis on continuously developing my leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. Beyond my full-time work at Facebook, I enjoy giving back to the community by offering young professionals mentorship and career coaching, as well as providing pro bono analytics consulting for nonprofits.