The Data Standard

What it takes to be a successful Data Scientist? with Pranav Sharkarn
Pranav Sharkarn, Senior Data Scientist at Mediaocean sits down with TDS to discuss what it takes to be a successful data scientist.

Episode Summary

Data scientists continue to be in high demand, with companies in virtually every industry looking to get the most value from their burgeoning information resources. As organizations begin to fully capitalize on the use of their internal data assets and examine the integration of hundreds of third-party data sources, the role of the data scientist will continue to expand in relevance. This role is important, but the rising stars of the business are those savvy data scientists that have the ability to not only manipulate vast amounts of data with sophisticated statistical and visualization techniques but have a solid acumen from which they can derive forward-looking insights. So what does it take to be data science whiz?

Meet The Host

Praveen Ravisankar

Podcast Host at The Data Standard

I believe that I can make a difference right now through research and innovation.

Meet The Guest

Pranav Sharkarn

Senior Data Scientist at Mediaocean

Pranav Sharkam is working with Cross-Functional teams providing strong opinions, analytics, and end-to-end code. He helps clients unify their advertising efforts across multiple platforms such as CTV, Social Publishers - Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Snapchat, Amazon, etc & Linear TV c